Keanu Reeves and Diane Lane star in one of the toughest endings in film history

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It’s always easier to sell stories based on reality. Cinema, despite having the ability to

create the non-existent out of nothing, has always been nourished by reality to tell Stories more shocking than anyone could imagine, Under the section “Based on actual events”

there is a section Deportivo Which multiplies the emotionality of what is being said, especially if it involves stories of improvement.

As if that wasn’t enough, the script has final twists that, for one reason or another, will always be remembered in the history of cinema. Without a doubt, this is the case for tonight’s movie. However, we must warn: this is one of the toughest and most dramatic endings in the history of cinema, if not the most. Tonight on Theme Channel ‘of great quality‘, beginning at at 19:45,hardball,

Today at 7:45 PM on ‘Paramount’, ‘Hardball’: Synopsis, Plot, Plot and Curiosities

,hardball‘ to follow conor o’neil explained by Keanu Reeves A debt-ridden gambler who agrees to coach a youth baseball team in a disadvantaged neighborhood chicago, As he joins the players – whom he initially did not pay much attention to as their goal was only to woo Miss Elizabeth Wilkes (Diane Lane) – conor While trying to change his problems he discovers the true meaning of friendship and responsibility.

The film combines sports, drama and comedy, providing an emotional and uplifting experience. reeves Offers its maximum interpretation, highlighting the positive impact of sports and human connection. Nevertheless, he was nominated for a Razzie Awards For this role in 2002.

,hardball ‘Inspired by the life of a sports journalist’ Daniel Coyle And his book of the same name. The film addresses the themes of mafia and gambling. Although it was not a huge success at the box office, it won its fans honest approach And it offers life lessons.

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